I love love Express. I’m an A listA-list customer and I always like to get stocked up with the new arrivals. I usually shop at the Aventura location and I guesguess I should’ve because the experience I had at the Bayside location really upset me. I went there on Tuesday 20th around 6pm. There was one associate leaning against a table looking at her phone. I’ve worked in retail and I sometimes looked at my phone, but as soon as someone entered I would be attentive and leftwould leave the phone alone. Anyways, I was looking for something specific and special. I thought she was going to ask me if I needed some help, but that never came, she. She kept her eyes on theher phone, and when another asssociateassociate came and I thought hopefully she would at least ask, but no, she went and started chatting with the other associate about upper management. Finally, I found something that I really liked offrom the new collection, but unfortunately I couldn’t see it onin my size,. I went and asked one of thenthe associates if they had init in other sizes, and she just looked at me with a bored face and said, “Well, if it’s not there, then we don’t have it.. I’m just upset theythat they wouldn’t even try. I left the store without buying anything that day, went directly to the Aventura location and, thank youthanks to their great customer service, I got everything I needed. Hopefully they could train the associates better at this location.

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