Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Puk van der Laan, a 6VWO student from the Netherlands. This year I will graduate
, and after that, I have plans to go to college.
I am writing with regard to the admission requirements.

In my last few busy weeks, I was fully focused on my exams. Due to that, I was not expecting the deadline for University College would be one month earlier than all the other bachelor programs.
I was still figuring out what to do after graduation and therefore I was not informed properly about this application deadline.
Now I know, this broadly based study is exactly what I am looking for. I was always interested in many different subjects. That made it difficult for me to choose just one study, and now that all my
interestinterests come together in one, I am too late to sign up for it.
The question I
have tomust ask:
Is there
by any chance a possibility to still sign up for the University College in 2021-2022?

In addition, I was not informed about the extra English and Math certificate of which I must be in possession.
TheseI do not have these certificates I do not have. So my next question is if there would beis an opportunity to upgrade my English and matheticsMathematics during summer school (or perhaps something different). different)?

I know this may be a lot to ask, but I was very disappointed in myself when I found out that the study I eventually wanted the most, had an application deadline I could no longer reach for.
Collegecollege experience with a campus, a wide variety of subjects, and of course that all of it will be in English would be a huge opportunity for me to integrate one day into the international network one day.

Thank you in advance

Kind regards,

Puk van der Laan

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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