I am not sure if this is still the right time or not, but it has really been bothering me thinking about my behaviour that night. Unfortunately, what has happened is said and done and I can’t take back time, I hope you can put it in the past,. I am far from perfect, I have flaws just like anyone elselse and I’m sure we all have some stuff we did in the past we are not proud of. everyoneEveryone makes mistakes but the world doesn’t stop moving. I’m not that kind of person you saw that night. I want you to know that I am
remorseful and I take full responsibility offor what I did. sorrySorry if that affected you in any kind of way, I was not trying to disrespect your property; when I seensaw the car there and he said he wasn’t not home I thought he was messing with me and thought he was inside. There was no self control and it never should have happened.
I know just me saying sorry is not enough
I acknowledge what I did was wrong
It’s over and done
, and I just really wanted to apologize for thatbecause it was not fair and I shouldn’t have shown up to your place like that .

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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