The attached tracker hisis for the missing products of my 8 staff members and also updates of Tahir and Adil is available in attached tracker witchwhich is provided by Talal. We arehave been discussing the same issue with the business team since JanJanuary, month but they only counted one product for Mohamed which is Saving product. andThe rest of the products have not yet been updated and they are always blaming usus as we are not closing the lead as per CRMS guidance. so thatThat is why they are not counting but our staff closing all leads onthe same way; some ofare counting and some ofare not counting. Also Acquisitions should system generated leadgenerate leads automatically but, unfortunately, there are some Acquisitions not counted in MI. The following number of leads of my each of my staff are not reflectingreflected in MI from 03 Jan to 30 April of 2021, so we need your urgent support to raise this issue to Toptop management for resolving this issue.

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