One of the recordings begins with Alton Sterling being assaulted and thrown to the ground, according to a witness. Mr. Sterling was selling CDs outside the gas station, and the owner suspected he was loitering, so. So the police were called. After that, there was a reported altercation in which policemen reportedly pinned him down and shot him. This was not only an unarmed man, but also an African-American man, and the police-black tension has been very visible recently. Many athletes, including NBA player Jamal Crawford (@JCrossover), took to Twitter to express their displeasure with Mr. Sterling. There is no such thing as a life reset button. People are murdering people like they're playing a video game... THIS MUST STOP! #AltonSterling” was trending on Twitter, and Colin Kaepernick (@kaepernick7) responded on Instagram.“This is how lynchings are carried out in 2016! Another murder in the streets, this time at the hands of those who want to defend us because of the colour of a man's skin. When are they going to be kept accountable? orOr was he afraid for his life as he put this guy to death?” (Photo courtesy of Instagram) This is only one instance of police brutality, which is a major issue!

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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