Hi Iryna,

I hope you have already started your summer holiday. Are you still here or you are in Turkey now?

Thank you for this wonderful email. I was very pleased to receive this message. I also enjoyed working with you during this year. It has been wonderful
to getting to know you closely and to learn from you.

During this time I did my best to build a good relationship with my students, to understand and to support them in difficult times. I hope that the children are also satisfied with me.

I have been working at M2 TAO for two years
, and I really enjoyed working with this team and learned a lot. For next academic year, I would like to try M1TAO group to gain a new experience and support outour younger students. Who knows, maybe in the future we will work together again.

Let's definitely make time to meet and walk together. ( Я только за. Будь готов, всегда готов ! )

I’ll let you know soon.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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