Sir, as you know, for writing the FMGE exam, passing in NEET is mandatory. Before I was not aware of that fact,. When I got to know about it, I was very tensedtense and spent so many sleepless nights because I did not PASS inpass the NEET exam. Needless to say, NEET is not an easy exam and negative marking is also there. I am begging you, sir, please let me prepare and write the NEET exam. In any unforeseen circumstances, I am ready to skip the semester. My reason is very genuine, sir. You are aware of the fact that I am trying very hard and doing my level best to study, and I am not any bad student trying to make excuses, and I am the most active participant in class and leading scorer in my batch. My parents and I already made arrangements to go to India, and paid the money to a Traveltravel agent and, to prepare for the NEET exam.

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