Junior Quality Engineer

Strengths & Professional Expertise
→ Animation of quality events: 8D, reviews, FMEA, quality support and training
→ Change Management:
setup of various Engineering Change Requests/Change Orders systems
→ Securing developments/changes: reviews, sample parts, validations, tests
→ Internal, customers, suppliers, product, documentary and system audits
→ Development and operation of NCR/CAPA management tools
→ Qualification and management of measurement tools according to referential
→ Industrialization of small electro
mechanical devices, including medical and military ones
→ Extensive technical & general knowledge

Career path
2019.08 – 2021.04, Consultant Data CRM-ERP, EMS SA, Nyon IT
→ Optimization of accounts and contacts  Allows synchronization with a Drupal portal
→ New procedures for digital recording of
Customers Devicescustomers' devices directly applicable by Sales depts.
2019.02 – 2019.07, Fixed-term IT Specialist, Ecoval, Travers IT
→ Improvement of OS and application installation process  time saving > 70%
→ Consolidation of procedures for secure erasure of received data disks  1 procedure
2018.04 – 2018.12, Coaching & Coached, Ressources, Neuchâtel Management, Self-Development
→ Better consideration of emotions and motivations to manage people
2017.09 – 2017.12, Fixed-term, Methods and Quality Engineer, Nexans, Cortaillod Electrotechnics
→ Quality plan for one
Key Customerkey customer  Customer recovery (>10% of the turnover!)
2017.01 – 2017.04, Ushideshi 50%, Dojo de Neuchâtel - Espace Culturel, Neuchâtel Sport, Self-Development
→ Better ability to transmit values and knowledge to adults, teenagers, and children
→ Maintenance, upkeeping of internal/external equipment of a sport center
2015.10 – 2016.12, Data & IT Consultant,
House-husbandHousehusband, Boudry IT, Data, Family
→ Birth of 5th child, helping my wife
2015.04 – 2015.9,
Fixed-termFixed term, E. Data Management, Service des Migrations, Neuchâtel Administration
→ Convenient, reliable and accessible scanning/printing solutions for all employees
2013 – 2014, Data Manager & Flow Analyst, Gucci, Cortaillod Watchmaking
→ Relevant reporting for the Product Development department  changes
→ Optimization of the pre-industrialization flow  from > 2 weeks to < 2 days

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