Last year I tried a new experience which is isolation from people and social media for one day. On that day I discovered many things that I did not realize about myself and I did many things I had not done before. For example،example, I read a book in one. A sitI sat for the first time in my life and I read some of the Quran then I tried to draw but I did not like the drawing. That let me think about who I am. whatWhat I want for my life، whatWhat are my dreams،dreams, goals and what makes me happy?
did you try to do this experience before?
helloHello everyone. I am ameerh todayAmeerh. Today I convince you about social Isolationisolation.
The modern community has developed some negative relationships with the idea of being alone.
When kids
misbehave،misbehave, parents send them to their rooms to sit in silence as a finepunishment for their bad behavior.
We have been wired to believe that solitude is our enemy.
We have also confused "being alone"
with"being “being lonely". But that،thatm, of course،course, is not the case. Being alone doesn’t necessarily cause loneliness and many people can feel lonely despite being in the constant presence of other people. Author Amy Morin describes it best when she says: "loneliness is about perceiving that no one is there for you. But solitude is about choosing to be alone with your thoughts. "
theThe benefits of social solitude.
1-Is allow1 - It allows you to learn more about yourself
and find your voice.
- It empowers you to become comfortable with who you are.
- It boosts your creativity.
- It allows you to plan your
- It improves your mental wellbeingwell-being.
- Meditate.
- Pay attention to your emotions.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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