Nutritional procedures were explained to the legal heirs of all patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit, and their informed consent was obtained. Patients who received tracheal intubation with mechanical ventilatory support between March 2021 and January 2022 were included in the study. Patients with a history of gastrointestinal bleeding, parenteral nutrition support, a hospital stay of fewer than two days, and those under 18 years of age were excluded from the study. Our nutrition team screened patients treated in the ICU with the malnutrition screening tool and assigned patients with a score of 2 or higher to the nutrition department. Patients in whom enteral nutrition was not contraindicated were divided into two groups according to the consultation order. All patients were placed with a 110 cm polyurethane 14F nasogastric tube and their location was confirmed. The patients' target calories were calculated using the Schofield equation because the hospital did not have an indirect calorimetry device. Feeding pumps were used in the study, and patients were fed continuously. All patients received a head elevation of 30 degrees during feeding. Ready-to-eat foods found in the hospital pharmacy and approved by the ICU physician were used. The calculated target calorie amount was administered via a nasogastric tube using a continuous infusion method. Nutrition nurses continuously monitored all enteral-fed patients, and the results were recorded.
A total of 72 patients were enrolled in the study. GRV was measured in one group and not in the other. Nutrition was started at an infusion rate of 20 ml/hour in the GRV group. The GRV was measured every four hours.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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