Vitamin D deficiency is an important health problem in in tha wordthe world, and also in Derna, it is a pandemic health issue. The deficiency of vitamin D is identified round the globe. Different factors playsplay a role in vitamin D synthesis. (Adnan, 2021),. Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins in the body, it is soluble in fats, (AL-Samarraie et al., 2021), the. The deficiency of Vitaminvitamin D is an important public health problem in both developed and developing countries, with a reported worldwide prevalence of 30-80% in children and adults (Andıran et al., 2012),. Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent worldwide. This, and this deficiency has many consequences which are still being explored, apart fromin addition to the well-known skeletal complications. (Aparna et al., 2018). Puberty is an additional risk factor for vitamin D deficiency, especially in girls and obese children.. (Saneifard et al., 2021),. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with multiple adverse health outcomes including increased morbidity and mortality in the general population and in critically ill patients.

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