Respected sir/madamSir/Madam,
I did not receive my crop insurance against my policy no.
0401272100402286083 due to an incorrect account number.
The account number which
iI gave to you iswas 046110010203621 which is incorrect. insteadInstead of this number, my original account number is 46110010203621.
I called
to your client on tollthe toll free number, and they saidtold me that for account correction I should provide usthe Return UTR number, but when i speakI spoke to the bank manager they said that they don'tdidn't have any Return UTR number. So again iI called to your client, and they said if they don't have the UTR number then ask the manager to provide in writtenwriting that on 15/02/2022 , on account no. 46110010203621, there iswas no crop insurance was credited.
the bank manager gave me that letter. With this iHere I have attached bank passbook , adharAadhaar card, policy application and the bank mangermanger's statement.
So please
domake the correction to my account number and help me to sort out itthis out.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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