It has become clear to me that my writing is nowhere near perfect. I mean noNo writer has an ideal writing process. Especially when everyone has a different way to approach it. As I took on the Talk Aloud Protocol, I was able to identify mythe flaws in my writing. I was able to identifyunderstand why they are my flaws and how I can find a wayways to fix them in the future. I’m happy I canto say that I can fix my stuttering problems by taking a pause and not getgetting too anxious when I’m writing. I know that it won’t be fixed overnight, but simple steps can lead me intoin the right direction. If I tend to find myself stuttering or saying the word ‘um’‘um, I will look back, take a pause and just try andto move forward, even if the sentence doesn’t make complete sense. Surely, by combiningintegrating this into my writing process in the future, I will be able to get rid ofeliminate this weakness overall.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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