The porpoise is an endgagedendangered species living in the baltic seaBaltic Sea. They live alone altoughalthough they sometimes form groups. They communicate using echolocation. The Animalanimal is very shy and keeps its distance from others. It is very mysterious, and we don't know much about it. NowdaysNowadays, these isthere are only 500 porpoiseporpoises left in the seaSea. ItIts scarcity is caused by people killing it. Unless we help them, this mysterious creature will die.
We are FISH HELP. Our goal is to keep the porpoise alive.
We make zones in which these unique
Creation didn'tcreations don't have to escape from the deadly ships. To learn more about our organization, visit our website.: If you spot a porpoise, call our office. at 123-456-789.
We won't allow
thesethis beautiful species to die. We are located in Honolulu in the USA. However, this address is only the location where our organization began to exist.
Fish HelpFISH HELP's main office is located in KlapediaKlaipeda in Lithuania, since we have direct a ces toaccess there to the baltic sea thereBaltic Sea. So if you are in the Hawaii or Europe, Youyou can visit us to learn about the porpoises.
are also havingalso have people in Poland, Latvia and Estonia.
Thank you for your attention! We hope to create a better world in which people and animals
can live in harmony with one another.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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