Reflect on your virtual Fellowshipfellowship experience. What aspects of the experience most significantly changed you as a leader or professional? How will attending the Symposiumsymposium further your leadership journey? 250 words

The presentation on project management with
athe topic “Focus Project Development” and the partnership courses doingduring the virtual Fellowshipfellowship experience have significantly made a greater impact inon my profession.

Firstly, the presentation on
the project management, with particular attention on the "Focus Project Development" course, has improved my professional skills in a way that I got tocan understand clearly how to prepare/write a project proposal and what contexts of impact within your community or organization to use in addressing a particular problem(s) that was/were identifyidentified in your problem statement. I learned from the project management-Focus Project Development course that you shallshould have a clear and presideprecise goals and objectives. through which eachEach objective should be in line with yourthe goals of the project and, followed by three or more activities ofin line with each objective. UnderstoodI better understand on how to ensure meeting up with yourthe deadline of your project proposal submission by developing a timeline for each part of the proposal. The knowledge and experience acquireacquired will help me complete my focus project.

Secondly, I have learned from the partnership
course ofcourses during the virtual Fellowshipfellowship experience that you shallshould first have a good relationship with your partner in order to get. Get to know the person and their professional lifelives. With the relationship buildbuilt, you can now get to know if the person(s) you intend to partner with have the same vision or, dreams, andor aspiration as you do in line with the goals and objectives of the business for which both parties want to build a partnership.

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