This is so funny how I picked up my bibleBible to read about one thing, and I received thea revelation on whatsomething I was not even looking for. Here goes, and I hope I can explain myself clearly. I strongly believe thethat the reason why people miss out on the beautiful development of a successful relationship with people is because they do not know what positions that theythey play in that personsperson's life.

One of the key successes to a beautiful
, amazing relationship, such as: friendship relationships with friends, family members, romantic, and/or business and sopartners, is based on is one of two things. Your are either there to plant or there to water, but your are not there to give thean INCREASE. Many of us know totoo much about the details of the personperson's life, so we start playing thata counselor role or a judge role verseversus a remembering, role. I’m one of two things.

Example: You
r are married to your husband or wife, and you start off being a good listener, someone theythe person can talk to, there. There's that SAFE SPACE, and now you want to tell him or her what to do, your. You are not a great listener andanymore, and you listen to everybody else. You then try to rush the increase process by judging your relationship Oror rushing a process that only God can doperform in that personsperson's life. Instead ofYou no longer enjoying being a planter or someone who waters. This might be the reason wewhy we don’t see relationships growinggrow as fast as they could be or therethey are at a stand still. This is only one of many examples.

Some people try to be the
personperson's increase by telling them what they think they see or should be doing instead of just allowing them to go through theretheir own process of growth and beingwhile remaining patient, knowing God will increase theretheir life in the right timing and season.

This is why so many people get frustrated
... Because youbecause they can’t CONTROLLCONTROL the narrative, just. Just be a planter or someone who water, that’swaters. That’s the safest way to save your relationships, because seasons do change. 💋🔥❤️👊🏾.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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