Base onBased on an existing working relationship between Miss Justina and Mr........(expiring December 2022), and a demand for continuation of the service(2023) by Mr.........
For the purpose of this demand by Mr…… , in order to establish a favourable working relationship between Miss Justina and Mr............; and continuation of
housholdhousehold services to Mr........, I Justina, have reached an agreement and understanding with Mr.........., on the following terms:
1) Clear definition of role
2) Salary increase
rightsRights to denominational worship.
rightsRights to attainattend tribal meetings.
forFor continuation of service, I Justina and Mr........ have agreed that my roles and duties in his house will only be ........... Our working relationship will be strictly professional, as my functions and roles are to be strictly household duties only.
toTo continue my service (new contract), I Justina and Mr........ have also agreed that my working salary will be ......... Immediately I begin work, with salary increase in due time. Except for unintended and unfortunate circumstances, which must first be accepted and agreed upon by both parties in agreement, this payment will be unfailing as when due.
toTo continue my service (new contract), I Justina and Mr....... have agreed that I will worship in my own church denomination on sundaySundays as it is inwithin my right to decide my faith and determine my own place to worship.
=>RIGHT TO TRIBAL MEETINGS: I Justina and Mr........ have agreed that I can attend my tribal meetings as
it isis my human and legal rights toright. Except for

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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