Hello Eric,
youYou will notice in my blog that my research stated wine and cheese. thisThis was my original intent, but since I do not drink alcohol I did not feel the need to waste money on a beverage that would not be drunk thereconsumed. There are many people out there that do not drink alcoholic beverages, so to them cider is viewed as a substitute for wine / champagne. I did originally bring an Apple, however, I let Dylan borrow it due to him only having a bottle for his shot. I completely understand and agree with your that your props should match your subject for it makes for a good composition. I do apologize in this regard, and will try to do better next time. I did wantWhile this was something that I wanted to bring this up in class, becauseeven though I am not a group speaker I now know from taking Ira's class that I can not hide behind a photo, and that I have to use my voice to be able to network and Marketmarket myself. However, I was going to talk to you after class about it, but I seensaw that you were on your computer and did not want to disturb you. I did want to let you know that I will not be presenting much, or ifreally any examples of my work in class, due to my portfolio being mostly about puppies and kittens. The truth is, if I continue in this program my desire is work to be a pet photographer.

Thank you,
Deanna Collins

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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