Sorry I haven’t been able to sleep; my mind has been running 90 to nothing thinking about everything. I hope you’re sleeping good. Not to sound totoo cheesy or anything, but I just wanted to let you know that all this shit going on in my life has been going on for years. Except I used to just give in and basically make my life miserable, until I met you and that showed me everything Thatthat is holding me back. andIt brought me to my own attention so I could change my life. youYou don’t sugarcoat the truth or just tell me things I want to hear. When you came in to my life you have helped motivatesmotivate me and helped me grow. And I’m not meaning all this in a way of like me doing itjust because I want to be with you. youYou have just helped me become more courageous, well rounded and happy that; I honestly thought I could never be again. If one day something happens down the road and we get more serious that’s great, but I do think our paths crossed for a reason and whatever the reason may be I am glad wethey did. Sorry this is so long but I just wanted you to know this.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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