A Wearable Drone is a small camera-equipped drone that can be worn as a wristband. The Micro Drone in the wristband can be detached and can fly in pre-programmed modes. This GPS-enabled drone will follow the wristband in flight.
It relies on a connection between the drone and its dedicated
GPS enabledGPS-enabled device. In most cases, that device is either a GSC (ground station controller) or wristband. Ideally, when the Follow Me function is turned on, the drone follows the GSC or wristband everywhere it goes, making sure it stays in the camera focus at all given times. This technology has several different following styles, varying from hovering, circling the subject, following it in a straight line and much more.


The primary use of this drone is personal security. It uses computer vision to detect any unusual movements around a person
. Andand the collected data is used for assistance.

• Used for self-protection
• It can be controlled using voice commands on the wristband.
• It can also be controlled with
a Wi-Fi enabledWiFi-enabled smartwatch by developing an application in the smartwatch.
Voice assistants
, such as Siri, can be used to control the drone from smartwatches.

Other Use Cases:

Aerial Photography
Safety Inspections

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