After Joining Yokogawa, I have received class trainings for a One-monthone-month period. These training courses covered many topics that will be needed in the future when the employee starts the actual work. At the beginning of this period, an HR representative gave us some induction sessions, he. He gave some important information about Yokogawa, rules that have to be followed by the employees, norms of the company employees, ethics and social responsibility, rights and responsibilities, what to expect, and what is expected from us. After the induction sessions, a Project Managerproject manager gave us some sessions about how projects are handled in Yokogawa, projects’ steps, the hierarchy of the employees, the different types of jobs needed in each project, and skills that could be helpful. In addition to these valuable information, this period gave us an opportunity to socialize and know more about each other (as trainee engineers), and to socialize also with the other employees in the company, which made it much easier for us to join them after finishing the class trainings.
After two weeks, the official class courses have started. This period was mainly divided into two major parts:

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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