Most have wondered what may have happened to Cinderella after she got married to the Prince. After a beautiful and extravagant wedding, the Prince and Cinderella set out on their honeymoon. It was the custom of the monarchy to holiday in Austria, as they owned an estate there. The Prince defined this convention, just like how he married Cinderella, he decided that Geneva would be a better destination. The Prince and his bride were away from the kingdom for a month and a half. This was not the typical amount of time for newlyweds to be gone, at least not for those that were honeymooning so close to the kingdom. All the people in the kingdom buzzed, “They must truly be in love to be gone so long.”
Cinderella felt quite in love, she. She also felt that the last few months had been magical. Her last night in Geneva, she found her thoughts wandering. What would her new life be like? What if the king and queen hated her? What will the kingdom's subjects think of her? Then, a peculiar thought entered her mind, it. It would be nice if her father was here. She missed him ever so much and wondered what he would have to say about her whirlwind romance. Cinderella was outside on the balcony, sitting in a highly decorated wood chair. The frame of which was a gold color, the. The cushions were red silk. It was spring, so the night air was cool on her skin. Suddenly, a shooting star flew across the deep blue sky. She wondered if a wish would come true after seeing it. So, she quickly thought to herself. “I wish my father could be here right now to see how happy I am.”

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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