Dear Sir,

Your payment details
hadwere received on Saturday i.e 08-05-2021, 08/05/2021.
gotreceived the confirmation of payment on Monday i.e on 10-05-2021, 10/05/2021, as the Saturday was a bank holiday.
Since the steamers are in high demand and we have lots of pending orders so it took some 3-4 days to get the operation of your orders and on 14-05-2021order. On 14/05/2021 we have generated the bill and we have dispatchdispatched the stock to the transport.
As, since you know
, across the nation theirthere is lockdown and, especially in Delhi, where lockdown is continuehas continued since 17-04-2021.
17/04/2021. So during this lockdown it is very hard for us to get the operation, alternate dayas we are operating from our depodepot on alternate days. For the same reason we have tooktaken only 3 days, and on 10-05-202110/05/2021 we have recievedreceived your payment confirmation and on 14-05-202114/05/2021 we have generated the bill, we dispatch. We dispatched the stock on the 14-05-202114/05/2021 itself because asof how the e-way bill is generated.
The delay of 4
days is from transportthe transport department which is unavoidable because of the Lockdown.
lockdown. As you know, due to the strict lockdown in Delhi so we couldn't help to get it anything else except dispatching your stock on time.
from us the dispatch of stock was done within 4 days of payment received which areis a natural phenomenon now a days because of Lockdownlockdown & very high demand offor steamers, so it is useless to ask us about the return of stock and refund.
TheirThere is no policy in the organisation to get the payment refunded.
If the stock is returned by you this will
be only be your responsibility as we are not going to take back stock.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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