This is how I roll my eyes each time when I hear yet another convo on crypto. Usually it’s moderated by a 30+ muscled tattooed fitness trainer, proclaiming himself as a crypto expert for no reason, still barely being able to put words into a sentence. He invites his virgin listeners to invest for 20% + daily yield, which is for sure guaranteed and entails no risk. You and I both know what a stable and non-volatile asset crypto is!
In the middle of the Guru’s rant, when he is expected to explain the math standing behind this golden shower, the Guru starts to sound a bit vague, but gets all his confidence back when the agenda turns to money deposit and registration steps issues. This is exactly where the crypto trainer is the most powerful.
Although it would seem obvious to everyone
, that huge rates of return can only be guaranteed only by Ponzi schemes, and no one can predict what would be the next crypto market movement... there are still so many miracle believers out there, for whom crypto has become quite a sound beacon of hope. You haven’t seen their eyes, guys!

Are these people stupid, uneducated, greedy,
and thus deservingdeserve to get bullshitted? Of cozcourse, no! They are just people wishing for a better life. It’s understandable. And that is exactly what puts their critical thinking into sleep mode.

, here is a question: interfere or not? Help thisthese people to awake or just peacefully observe let’s nameobserve? Name it natural selection process? What would you opt for?

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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