Arguing is common in any relationship but shouting or yelling at your partner should never be considered normal. This damages the bond between partners.

This is why shouting damages a relationship:

It makes one an angry person. inIn such times you don't want to listen to anyone or anything that you are being told.this cause to be misunderstanding This causes misunderstandings between people in a relationship.

It makes one say bad things to your partner which can hurt him or her a lot. And this sabotages your bonding.

You might say wrong things thatto your partner that you never meant to your partner and you might forever be regretting, like,'i “I will kill you'you”.

It shuts him/her down. .theThe other partner also needneeds to be heard and understood which is prevented by you shouting and not giving her /himhim/her an opportunity to explain her/himselfhim/herself.

peoplePeople in a relationship need to sit down and talk politely to each other about theretheir issues .

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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