My name is Kayli
,. I am contacting you from Nationwide Children’s Hospital Behavioral Health Intake Department. I am currently working on updating our list of resources that we can provide to patients. I have a few quick things that I need to ask. If there haven’t been any updates let me know, thank you!
• Are you accepting new patient referrals? If so, do you require a physician referral?
• Is there a specific age range you work with?
(school-aged(School-aged, transition age, adults?)
• What insurances are accepted by your practice?
• What is your clinical area? (ADHD, LD, Autism, Neuropsych, etc.)
• Have you had any change in phone or fax number from …. And ….
• Do you currently have a waitlist? If so, what is the average wait time for patients?
• What is your preferred referral submission method? (e.g., provide families with your phone number, website to request an appointment, etc.)
• Is there an administrative contact that we can keep on file for us to do a quarterly check-in for updates?
If you could get back to me and let me know of any changes that would be wonderful, thanks a bunch!

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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