Sorry for the delay in responding, it took some time for me to assess all of the possibilities and risks in taking the place at UCL this year. Despite the progress in raising my funds, I cannot be sure that the required sum will be
onin my bank account due to term 2two.
The Ukrainian government announced that Kyiv, the place I live in,
ishas been hit by the new wave of the pandemic, and is expecting an upcoming lockdown. This, and the fact the I should work full-time to meet my financial target, is likely to jeopardize my studies at the AD programme.
I also haven't received a statement from UCL on what measures could be taken if some incidents happen during my remote study, therefore I believe I should wait another year.
If your offer of postponement of my place of study is valid,
then please instruct me what next steps should be taken, since the pre-enrolment ishas already begun:: whether I should contact admissions, or withdraw my offer if deferral wouldn't be considered.
Thank you,

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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