Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

Dear Mr. James,

This is Eng.
Anan from Photocell For Energy, hope you are doing well.

I want to inform you that we have another project with
a 1.4 MW capacity in Khobar ( under construction ). theThe system will work atin the morning and will be connected to generators,. and I'm attaching you the file that I .....

Hi Adel,

I'm so sorry to hear
this!that! It must've been a tough week.
letLet me help you with your troubles. Regarding the salary issue, it's connected tothese issues. Salary-related questions are the domain of the administrative department, so it iswould be better to liaise with the AAU advisor at (AAU@aramco(at AAU@aramco.com), he'll probably solvewho will likely be able to resolve your issue.


Indian government conductconducts civil service exam every year, in thatthe passing rate of the state Tamilnadu is very low in this year.
Over 829 successful candidates
from Tamilnadu hold only 7%; i.e. 60 members. Last year only 45 were passed in the exam. Over the past 5 years only 5 to 7% of the people were able.....

Kaoha nui Louise,

commeComme convenu et vuevu avec toi ce matin par téléphone.
, tu trouveras en attache s'il te plaît tous les détails concernant les séjours + les repas chez vous.

: 1 dîner (Patrice)
: 1 petit déjeuner + 1 dîner (Patrice)
: 1 petit déjeuner (Patrice) + 1 dîner (Herenui)
: 1 pe.....

Bonjour Emilie, merci pour votre courriel.
Vous trouverez en pièce jointe les photos de l'article avant son expédition
, mon annonce était pourtant bien structuréstructurée et clairclaire, enfin il me semble.
Je ne pensais pas avoir des soucis pour une coque
, je n'ai pas pas penserpensé à prendre des photos de la coque.....

I was born different. Life has never been easy for me. I've never seen the light outside this concrete jungle that I've been trapped in for the last 23 years of my life. Although I have faith that one day I will leave here, I know I have a long time left of waiting. Being born with only one eye has .....

Dear Taofik,
yourYour letter wellwas well received, but. But kindly note the following items in your letter was sent to you in our previous work program of work for your approval except some wood work. The completion time you give it to usgave us was very short add on, somenotice. Some additional work was instructedassigned by Mr. Austin, not including .....

This study was aimed at analyzing the use of digital technologies that students make to self-regulate their own learning, emphasizing the types of strategies used. The problem was approached from two perspectives: whatWhat is the use that students make of digital technologies to self-regulate their lear.....

My favorite age is age 18was eighteen. When I turned eighteen I finally understood life. For example, learning the “value of a dollar”. I grew up as ana spoiled military child. I never worried about the price of anything! At age 18eighteen my parents got stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas and I decided to stay in A.....

Hi, Nicola,

JustI just want to thank you for the opportunity of working at your lovely nursery,. I truly appreciate it, and I am really enjoying my time here.

Also, Mrs Shefali told me that you want me
to work during this half termhalf-term. I am looking forward to this.

Although, for future reference, I wou

Dear all,

Thank you for accepting to attend my PhD defense. It truly is an honor for me.

The defense will be held at IRCAM, and online, as Mr. Story will be attending from Arizona.

Taking the time difference into account, the defense will take place in the afternoon.

To determine the day of the

eole alamal
École Al Amal
(Juillet 2020)
du baccalaureatbaccalauréat en lettres A lecoleà l'école Al Amal de
deuxieme annèe d'etudes
La deuxième année d'études
universitaires. La facultefaculté de Sciences Juridiaues
Juridiques, Économiques et Sociales a Altà Ait Melloul- Universite in Zohr Agadir.
•2020/2021/72022 • Etudiant a•2020/2021/2022• Étudiant à la facultefaculté de Sciences .....

Dear Adriana,
I hope you're keeping well. Thanks for your last email. Sorry
, I didn't reply sooner, but I've been busy. Anyway, I'm writing to tell you about my holidays.
I went to Lunahuana last weekend. I had a great time visiting my family. The best day was when we all went to do extreme sports.

Dear Adriana, I hope you´reyou're keeping well. Thanks for your last email. Sorry, I didn't reply sooner, but I've been busy. Anyway, I'm writing to tell you about my holidays. I went to Lunahuana last weekend. I had a great time visiting my family. The best day was when we all went to do extreme sports. .....

Hello, I am Zach Stein,. I am a senior at Emery Weiner high school in Houston, Texas. I wanted to reach out and let you know that I visited Cornell this past week and loved the campus. I also did a virtual tour and loved what the school had to offer. It was great learning more about student involveme.....

C'est possible, j'ai peut êtrepeut-être oublié de vous en parler, désolé et je! Je ne veux pas vous contredire, car c'est votre métier, mais le Crédit Agricole par exemple que j'ai quitter n'appliquer pas c'estquitté, par exemple, n'a pas appliqué ces frais.
Je suis donc dans l'obligation de repenser à changer de banque
, car celace sera très problématique à.....

My name is Busenur Öztürk. I am fourteen14 years old. I am graduated from Koç Middle School. I'm living in Çayırova. I have got straight, long brown long hair. ıI have got brown eyes. I'm 1.65 cm in height. My mother is not working. She is a house wife. SheHer name is Fahriye. She is fourty40 years old. She have darkhas long, dark hair. My fa.....

Buen día, gusto en saludarles,.

Mi nombre es Joel Arriaza, y soy parte del equipo de contenido digitalContenido Digital, un emprendimiento que se dedica a la creación de contenido audiovisual a través demediante Yellow Studio. Nos dedicamos a cubrir todo tipo de eventos en fotografía y vídeo, y creación de contenido digital pa.....

Dear Ali,
Thank you for inviting me to your house for the weekend. I'm sorry, but I can't go because
l'mI’m very freebusy. On Saturday morning, I have to go to soccer practice. Our team is good this yearsyear and I'm the captain. I am sending you a picture of my team. AtIn the afternoon, I have to eat the l.....

‏Dear Ali , Thank you for inviting me to your house for the weekend . I'm sorry , but I can't go because I'm very free busy. On Saturday morning , I have to go to soccer practice . Our team is good this yearsyear and I'm the captain . I am sending you a picture of my team . AtIn the afternoon , I have to eat the lunch with hi.....

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