​March 15, 2017

Isabelle Gagnon
Customer Service Department
3434 Maisonneuve St.
Montreal, QC H8L 4T7

Dear Ms. Gagnon

Subject: Asking for a correction

​this​This letter is to inform you that I noticed a mistake on my Hydro-Quebec bill, invoice #23, for the months of January and February 2017. My account number is X3456787.

​The amount was supposed to be $134.95 but it was $456.99 instead. I have never been late
for awith payment and 10 days ago, I received a notice of non-payment.

​Please make
made the necessary correction and be informed that I will not pay the bill current bill.

​If you have any further questions
, you can contact me by phone aton 514 222-3333.

​Yours truly

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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